Economically viable and environmentally friendly solutions are key to sustainable aquaculture. UAL Aqua Life Program offers a comprehensive eco-sustainable solution for high density farming that empower farmers in maintaining pond bio-security and managing culture’s health throughout the life cycle of farming without the use of harmful chemicals and antibiotics.
UAL Pond Bio-Guard system deploys a combination system that works in tandem to maintain the bio-security and eco-balance of the pond. The proven system maintains the pond environment by reducing high phosphorus output and ammonia levels in pond water by simultaneously breaking down the sludge and controlling pathogen growth. UAL biosecurity program ensures eco-sustainable bio-farming without contaminating the ground water and that the culture is safe for human consumption.
UAL Preventive health management & bio-security system ensures optimal nutrition and health for high density farming. The system keeps pathogens under control while maintaining the gut microflora, minimising disease related problems hindering growth thus resulting in higher yield by maximising the survival rate and better FCR.
Aqua life program ensures the elimination of chemicals and antibiotics from the aquaculture farming, thereby assuring organic quality produce affordable to common man.