by admin | Jun 5, 2023
- It is multi-functional components acts effectively against bacteria, virus, fungi and even resistant strains
- It is very effective in adverse environmental conditions with organic matter surround.
- It is Non-corrosive. Thus, can also be used on poultry equipment.
- It is Ideal product to give fast kill and long last effect on disinfection.
Terminal shed disinfection 7 – 10 ml/L of Water General farm disinfection using power sprayer
Hatcher and setter 7 – 10 ml/L of Water Equipment Spray / mop
Vehicle spray 7 – 10 ml/L of Water Including tyres & other parts.
Wet fumigation of Hatching eggs 20 – 25 ml/L of Water Fogging
In presence of Birds 1 ml/L of Water Apply by spray
Quantity: 5 Litre/s NM HDPE Can
by admin | Mar 14, 2023
Xymo BIO-SAN is a novel eco sanitation research product, which has been developed from plant extracts, biocatalysts and considered as a choice for the use in livestock industry, especially suited for deep litter application. Xymo BIO-SAN is a, bio-sanitizer, deodorizer, microbicide and fungicide. Its broad-spectrum controls Gram negative, Gram positive bacteria, Vibrio spp., Aeromonas spp., Pseudomonas spp., virus and Fusarium fungus sp, Clostridium sp etc.
25-50 gms/1000 birds.
Quantity: 1KG Stand Up Pouch
by admin | Mar 14, 2023
Zymo BIOGUARD is a unique blend of biocatalysts, natural extracts & tannins, very effective in reducing /degrading organic loads and accelerates the process of degradation of nitrogenous waste material in the wet litter. Reduces the ammonia and all other toxic gas levels and pathogenic bacteria and provides a safe and healthy environment.
Dosage varies with age of bird.
Breeder: 80 – 120g / 1000 Birds / Week.
Layer: 50 – 80g / 1000 Birds / Week.
Broiler: 50 – 60 g / 1000 Birds / Week. Quantity: 1KG Stand Up Pouch
by admin | Mar 14, 2023
Arthropod pests such as insects, mites, ticks and flies found in livestock and poultry production systems across the planet cause massive economic losses. Large population of flies in livestock is responsible for transmission of disease. However, the use of pesticides to control flies can negatively affect the environment. Flies cause a reduction in livestock productivity by distressing animals during times of feeding, resting and by vectoring pathogens. UAL’s Zymo BIOGUARD + Xymo BIOCONTROL F Organic program effectively control the ammonia /pathogens in Deep litter/Wet-litter , by breaking down the faecal matter & depriving the environment for larva growth & biologically controlling the existing adult fly population by repelling action.
2 – 4ml / L of water, spray around the cage, every 5-7days.
Quantity: 1 Litre/s NM HDPE Can
by admin | Mar 14, 2023
Uniton Ultra + is a broad-spectrum disinfectant especially designed for farm disinfection.
Terminal Disinfection 1 : 200 Apply by spray Apply at 300 ml/m2
Foot Disinfection 1 : 100 Dipping method Replace on soiled
Wheel Disinfection 1 : 100 Dipping method Replace on soiled
Vehicle Disinfection 1 : 100 Apply by spray Apply at 100 – 200 ml/m2
Equipment Disinfection 1 : 100 Apply by spray Wash or soak and rinse to clean
Quantity: 5 Litre/s NM HDPE Can